



发布时间:2024-10-07 06:57人气:
本文摘要:Studying? Dont answer that text自学中?

Studying? Dont answer that text自学中?别理那条短信Cell phone use and texting are increasingly common, especially among teens. And that could be a problem. Texting affects learning and performing on tests, a new study finds. On average, students who responded to texts while working got lower scores. This trend held even for teens who felt they could multitask effectively.手机的用于以及发短信显得日益广泛,特别是在是在青少年中。这是一个相当严重的问题。

新的研究找到发送短信不会影响自学及考试时长时间水平的充分发挥,一般来说学生在自学时发送短信不会造成低分。这一定义也限于于年轻人指出他们能有效率的顾及多项工作这一情况。Many students think that multitasking has no effect on how they perform in school, says Colter Norick, 17. (Multitasking is when a person tries to do more than one thing at the same time.) So the Montana teen and his 16-year-old brother Colin decided to test that notion.许多学生指出多重任务会影响他们在学校的展现出,17岁的Colter Norick回应。(多重工作所指的是一个人同时兼任做到多项事情)。

因此蒙大拿州这一青年和他16岁的弟弟Colin想对这一定义展开检验。They recruited 47 classmates to take part in a two-phase experiment. The goal was to gauge how well these students understood written material. Each participant had to read a paragraph or two about a certain topic, then answer a question about it.他们开会了47名同学来展开两个阶段的测试。目标是项目管理这些学生对书面材料解读程度。

每个参与者都将针对一个特定的话题读者一到两篇文章,然后根据文章问问题。In the first phase, the teen participants had 15 minutes to digest and then answer questions about six readings. Throughout this testing, the volunteers encountered no distractions.在第一阶段,参与者用15分钟去解读并问六篇读者,整个测试过程中参与者无一分心。A little later, Colter and Colin had their recruits tackle a new set of readings. This time, the brothers used a computer program to send texts to the volunteers cell phones every 90 seconds. In each text, a fictional character named Bob asked questions that required a reply. One example: Whats your favorite type of music?然后Colter和Colin让他们的参与者开始展开下一轮的读者测试,这次,两兄弟用于电脑程序给参与者的手机间隔90秒放一条信息,在该信息中,一个叫Bob的虚拟世界人物对参与者明确提出问题并拒绝问,比如说他不会回答:你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?Results were telling, the Norick brothers found. In theory, volunteers should have scored better, not worse, on the second test because it was slightly easier. In fact, the recruits scored 9 percent worse overall when distracted by incoming texts asking for some response. Only a few students scored as well when replying to texts as they did when undistracted. But importantly, Colter and Colin say, nobody performed better during the texting phase.Colter和Colin的结果显示从理论上来讲,参与者本应当在第二次相对来说较更容易的测试中获得更佳而不是更糟的成绩,而事实上,当测试者接到拒绝恢复的短信并被集中注意力时,他们的成绩整体上升了9%,只有几个人的成绩没下降,而他们也接到了短信,并没迟疑。




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